About InCRA
InCRA is a professional organization focused on business continuity management and business resilience. This organization is registered with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Republic of Indonesia through Ministerial Decree Number AHU-0000056.AH.01.07.TAHUN 2024 as Asosiasi Profesi Kelangsungan dan Ketangguhan Usaha Indonesia (APKKUI), or known in English as the Indonesian Continuity and Resilience Association (InCRA). InCRA aims to assist companies and individuals in facing challenges and risks that may occur in running their businesses. Through various programs and activities, InCRA seeks to increase understanding and knowledge about business management and business resilience in Indonesia. One of InCRA's main goals is to create a more resilient business environment in the face of various changes and crises that may occur. InCRA also acts as a forum for professionals in this field to share experience and knowledge, as well as build a strong network among them.

Our principles
Fostering cooperation and teamwork to enhance business resilience
Embracing change and adapting to new challenges for sustainable growth
Adopting practices that promote environmental conservation, social responsibility, and economic development.
Veronica Susanto
Meet the best team ever
Co-Founder / Board of Trustee Chairman
Roy Urich Kusumawardhana
Co-Founder / Chairman
Co-Founder / General Secretary
Manon Djati
Co-Founder / Vice Chairman
Haldi Z. Panjaitan
Co-Founder / General Treasurer
Bayupathy Artha
Co-Founder / Head of Organizational & Vice of General Secretary
Boy M. Tjahjono
Co-Founder / Board of Trustee Member

Shirleen Novinia
Vice of General Treasurer
Agus Dody Suryanto
Co-Founder / Board of Trustee Member
Fadjar Proboseno
Head of Educational Training & Certification
Vina Medya Oktaviani
Head of Communication & Institutional Relationship
Vice Head of Standardization
Robert Nanlohy
Richard Silitonga
Head of Standardization

Dewi Utami Septaningrum
Mufid Ansori
Raymond B. Pandiangan
Iskandar Muda
Vice Head of Organization
Vice Head of Organization
Vice Head of Educational Training & Certification
Vice Head of Communication & Institutional Relationship